Repeatable Outcomes, not Repeatable Movements.

July 5, 2023

Interesting insights from Skill Learning Consultant Derek Panchuk.

This information has been taken from Derek Panchuk, Linked In.

The below graph is a from a classic motor control study by Bootsma & van Wieringen (1990; They were measuring how top table tennis player coordinated their actions relative to the flight of the ball.

What the graph shows, is that players would use very different movement patterns to get to the same outcome - hitting the ball.

Contrary to popular thinking, there are many different ways athletes can move to get to the same solution. In fact, we know that the idea of highly repeatable movement patterns is something of a myth. Almost every time we "repeat" a movement, there are subtle variations.

What does this mean for coaches?

You can't got bogged down trying to perfect repeatable movements. Focus on repeatable solutions.

Are athletes able to do what they need to solve the movement problem?
Are they able to do it in a safe way that won't cause injury?
Are they able to do it in an efficient way that doesn't cause problems in-game?

If they're ticking these boxes, they're probably heading in the right direction and too much tinkering with technique can cause more harm than good!

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