- 6-16 Players and a GK - 1 set of Bibs - Cones or flat tab markers - Approx Half Field
Split your group of players into two and give one group bibs and use cones to mark down the centre of the field as per the diagram.
The activity starts with 6 players scatter around in a rough circle shape near the half way line, 3 bibs and 3 non bibs. The order and positioning of each group around the circle is randomised and should be different each set. There is an additional player, Player X who starts anywhere below the 25 yard line who is always a defender.
All 6 players pass the ball between themselves as quickly and accurately as they can. This part of the activity is to be given importance. Skills need to be done well and worked on from a technique perspective.
On a coaches whistle or clap, whichever group of 3 has the ball becomes the attacking team and the other team are defenders and are joined by Player X who can now move anywhere in the space. This immediately initiates a 3v4 counterattack scenario.
The activity is played out to goal. The defending team can work the ball out to the half way if they create a turnover.
- Defensive transition organisation and execution, awareness of teammates, pressure on the ball, coverage of dangerous areas, slowing down play - Attacking transition organisation and execution, creating space through width and depth and moving the ball at speed before the defence can get organised - Ball positioned out in front and on the stick to allow vision and ability to deliver early passes
- Remove the free defender - Change the starting position of the free defender, such as starting from above the half way to simulate recovering or out of position starts - Set up the activity from the other side of the field, and/or alternate from side to side for more players