Possession, changing the point of attack, and working in pairs to defend


- Groups of 8 Players
- 2 x 4 different coloured Bibs if available
- Cones or Flat Tabs
- Approx two 10m x 10m boxes


Break your group into 4 pairs with different coloured bibs (if available). To start the activity two pairs start in possession of the ball in Zone 1, blue and red. The yellow pair start as defenders in Zone 1 and the fourth pair, orange, waits in Zone 2.

The red and blue pairs work together to make 4 passes before being able to pass the ball to the orange pair in Zone 2. The yellow team is defending and trying to create a turnover.
If red and blue successfully pass the ball to the orange pair in Zone 2 then the orange pair is joined by the pair that made the final pass to Zone 2, the other pair waits in Zone 1. The yellow team remains in defence and moves into Zone 2 to continue defending. Again the pairs in Zone 2 are working together to complete 4 passes before passing the ball to the waiting pair in Zone 1.

If the yellow defending pair create a turnover, the pair that touched the ball last becomes the defenders and the yellow pair work with the other pair to complete 4 passes and shift the ball to the resting pair.

The activity is continuous. Consider having a set time limit or number of passes before having a rest, and if needed switching over the pair who are defending.


- Defensive team work to isolate players and create a turnover
- Timing of pressure to prevent the ball carrier from getting their eyes up to find space or a passing option
- Receiving on the move, ball out in front, on the stick to enable vision, speed and ability to pass or carry
- Awareness of number of passes and transitioning across zones


- Require 5 passes before passing to the other zone
- Change the size of the shape, a bigger area will be harder for defenders and easier for attackers
- Challenge select players, pairs or everyone to 3 touches
- Require every player to have touched the ball before passing it over to the other zone
- Every time a pair is part of a successful pass to the other zone they get a point. Add the points up to see who wins


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