Working as a team to apply pressure, or maintain possession


- Groups of 8 players
- Bibs
- 6 Cones per group
- Approx. two 10m x 10m space


Set up two 10m by 10m boxes as per the diagram. Break your group of eight into two teams, Team A and Team B.

Team A starts with all four players in the left box, and Team B starts with 2 players in each box. The activity begins with Team A trying to keep possession of the ball inside the left box by passing or dribbling and the 2 Team B players trying to create a turnover. This makes a 4v2 in the left box.

If the defending Team B get the ball they must dribble or pass the ball into the the right box to their waiting teammates. Once the ball enters the right box, all 4 Team B players can enter the box and only 2 players from Team A. Team B is now trying to hold possession and the 2 Team A players are trying to create a turnover, once again creating a 4v2. If Team A get the ball, they shift it to the left box and the same rules apply to create a 4v2.

The game continuously flows from one box to other. Consider if the possession team make 10 passes they get a point and transition onto defence.


- Ball positioned out in front to enable vision
- Awareness of space to carry, lead or pass into
- Team defence to isolate the ball carrier, create pressure and force a turnover
- Ball movement, receiving out in front and on the stick to allow control, vision, and ability to make the next pass or escape pressure
- Communication and awareness to identify who will be the 2 defending players on transition


- Set a possession time or number of passes target for each team to score a point and switch possession
- To simplify for attackers make the space larger or start with 1 defender in the box and consider adding a second defender after a set time
- Change the size and shape of the playing area


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