Attacking and defensive transitions in the circle


- Approx 10-14 players
- 1 set of Bibs
- Cones or flat tabs to mark spaces
- Approx 1/3 field space


Break your group into two teams, such as 5v5, and set up a switch zone above the 25 yard line and two sideline transporter zones in a 1/3 of the field using the circle as per the diagram.

The attacking team starts with a player and the ball in the switch zone. Each team must have one player in each of the transporter zones, and the remaining players in the central area between the transporter zones and below the 25 yard line.

The attacking team is trying to score a goal and the defending team is trying to get the ball to a teammate in the switch zone allowing them to transition onto attack.

Players can move in and out of the switch zone throughout the game, but cannot have more than 2 players in the zone at any given time. This is not a free zone, the game continues as normal in this area.

Each team must keep 1 player in each of the transporter zones at all times
A) This player can be used as a rebound board whereby you pass off them and they stay in the zone
B) This player may interchange with another player if they carry or run out of the zone.

The transporter zone players can move up and down the zone and cannot be tackled when they receive the ball in this zone, but they cannot carry the ball forward or hold it for more than 5 seconds.

Manage the umpiring of the game to encourage creativity with how teams use the transporter zone to their advantage. Consider teams receiving double points if they make an interchange of someone in the transporter zone before scoring.


- Off the ball awareness to find or create space, with a focus on using the transporter zone
- Receiving on the move with stick on the ball and out in front to enable vision
- Problem solving to create or manage changes through the transporter zones
- Managing 1 on 1 defence in the circle to prevent shots and infringements


- Adjust the space for bigger or smaller groups
- Challenge individuals or teams to only have 3 touches
- Remove the transporter zones and keep the switch zone to encourage player creativity in working together to create space


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