Receiving on the move with an open body to pass with vision
- Groups of 6 Players - 6 Cones or flat tab markers per group - Space 10m by 20m field space
Break into approximately groups of 6, and set up a relay like activity with players starting on each ends and in the middle as per the diagram.
The activity starts with Player A passing the ball to Player B leading out of the side of the area, making an open body lead. Player B receives with an open body and moves around the outside of the cones, keeping the ball moving the whole time as they carry the ball towards Player C and push passes to them.
Player A follows their pass into the middle in preparation to lead out to the ball on the next rotation. Player B moves to the back of the line following their pass.
Manage the work to rest ratio, and consider players having 4-5 turns or running for 3mins before having a short break.
Keep in mind an open receive is slightly different on the left and right side, therefore you can work on one at a time, alternate, or allow players to decide. See ways to adapt for more information.
- Keep the ball on the stick and moving towards the direction the player is wanting to go - Footwork to open the shoulders and get back to the outside of the circle - Provide cues when leading, and time the pass to enable the open receive - Increasing ball speed once it touches the stick to simulate eliminating a defender
- Change to move the ball in a clockwise direction to work on receiving across the body right to left - Allow players to choose which way they lead, and the passer must recognise and adjust - Immediately after the open receive, add in a drag of 3D skill before making the pass - For an experienced group, practice a more aggressive first touch and extend to a one handed grip and ball carry position before making the push pass