Carrying, passing, and receiving on the move with speed and vision


- Groups of 6 players
- 4-5 Flat markers or cones per group
- Space approx 15m by 20m


Break into groups of approximately 6 players, use cones or flat markers to indicate the circle area for the activity. One player starts in the middle of the circle and the rest spread around the outside of the circle.

Players are initially given a pattern of passes starting with a pass from a player on the outside to the middle player and then from the middle to the outside. As soon as this happens, the outside player runs into the middle of the circle and the middle players finds a space anywhere on the outside of the circle.

While this is happening, the group must make 2 passes between players on the outside of the circle, therefore skipping out the middle player. Before repeating the pattern and passing the ball into the middle.

When the middle player is re-joining the outside of the circle they can re-join anywhere except where the player they passed to came from, the rest of the group need to then adjust to keep the spacings between each other even and the circle area open.

Consider running the activity for a specific time, until every player has been in the middle twice, or have a competition between groups for number of passes.


- Keeping the circular shape, players need to adjust their positions and spacings as a group to maintain structure
- Receive on the move with vision and preparation to deliver a pass
- Awareness of changing passing distances and adjusting technique or skill choice to deliver with speed and accuracy
- Awareness of movement to avoid hitting another player


- Simplify by removing the outside to outside pass, and players just complete the in out passes
- For more or less players adjust the size of the area
- Allow freedom of passing patterns, but requirement to maintain structure and changeover of the person in the middle
- Encourage variety of passing skills, one time touch, push, hit, overheads, and allow players to identify selection of skill


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