Passing and receiving on the move, creating connection and spacial awareness
- Groups of 4 players - 1 Ball per group - 6 Cones or flat markers per group - Space approximately 6m by 12m for each group
For each group of 4, set up 6 cones as per the diagram, approx 6-7 metres between each of the cones. Make sure you allow space between the groups as players will be running outside of the cones to receive.
In each group, players place themselves on one of the 6 cones. The ball can start at any cone with a player making a push pass to any other player. After making a pass, a player must run to an empty cone and be ready for another pass. This patterns continues, with the aim of moving the ball as quickly as possible with as much control as possible.
Consider having groups doing the activity for 2-3minutes or until they have made 20 passes.
- Receiving on the move in preparation to make the next pass - Early vision and preparation of footwork and posture for the receive and pass - Awareness of passing options and free space - Accurate passing and connection with teammates
- For extra players, add another cone and have groups of 5 or take away a cone and have groups of 3 - Groups count how many passes they complete in 2minutes and identify and try ways to improve this score - Change the shape of the spaces, or let the players change the shape - Consider following this with Overload Possession Box Activity to include defenders